Women Build

The mission of Habitat for Humanity International’s Women Build program is to enable affiliates to recruit, educate and nurture women to build – and advocate for – simple, decent and affordable houses in their communities. Lowe’s is the underwriting partner of the Women Build program, providing volunteer labor, promotional items, marketing products, free in-store training clinics, and occasionally, grant opportunities.

This year, more than fifty volunteers worked to ensure our participation in National Women Build Week. A group of twelve Habitat volunteers and five “Lowe’s Heroes” volunteers worked at the Port Colden site. Their activities weren’t “make-work” or symbolic. They were challenged to re-fill column footings which, among other things, meant removing and replacing gravel and fill in the basement of the duplex. The group was successful in their efforts, with the footings subsequently passing inspection.

In celebration of its participation in National Women Build Week at Port Colden, Lowe’s has donated $5,000 worth of store credit to WCHFH, a generous and much appreciated donation which will bring us closer to completion of the duplex.